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時間:2012-11-19 13:51 點擊:
超聲波塑膠焊接原理 : Principle of Ultrasonic Plastic Welding: 超聲波塑膠焊接有發生器產生20KHZ(15KHZ或40KHZ)的高壓、高頻信號、通過換能系統,把信號轉換為高頻機械震動,加壓與塑焊制品

Principle of Ultrasonic Plastic Welding:
    The generator produces 20KHZ(15KHZ or 40KHZ)high-volage and high-frequency signal and translates it via a transducer into high-frequency mechanical vibration, which is exerted to the articles to be plastic-welded. The friction on the surface of the articles and the molecules inside leads the temperature at the interface to rise to their melting point, so that the interface of the articles melts quickly and the void between their interfaces is filled. When vibration stops, the articles get cooled and shaped at some pressure, which can make the welding perfect.
    While ultrasonic plastic welder is welding plastic products, it neither needs to add any adhesive, nor consumes a large deal of heat. This welder enjoys easy and quick operation, high strength and productivity. Therefore, the technology of ultrasonic welding is more and more widely applied in practice.

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